Monday, November 30, 2009


yup, that's me tonight, just a failure. I almost got Brians computer working again, so that's almost good. I think it will work tomorrow, so I guess that's not quite a failure.

We loaded Windows 7 64 bit on Dann's computer today, now there's a failure. It's having a couple of driver issues, and the sound doesn't work. Dann's way too frustrated by this, and he's NO FUN when he gets like that.

I fix things for a living... I HATE being asked "why doesn't it work?"
you see, as soon as I figure out WHY it doesn't work, I'll fix it and it will no longer not work, so the question is completely irrelevant. Figuring out why is the whole trick, fixing is easy once you know what to fix. Being asked why before you've determined the answer is frustrating.

Speaking of frustrating, I'm trying to get this forum software to work. I got it installed, and it actually works, but I'm having trouble linking into it. If you go to you will see a directory, and if you click on the folder "phpBB" the BBS will open right up. I've been trying and trying to put in a very simple homepage "index.html" that only has a single line of text and a hyperlink and I just cannot for the life of me get that link to open  the BBS. It doesn't even open if you type the  whole link into your browser. won't work. Anyone know the answer, pass it on please?

And lastly for tonight, I'm wondering what happened to Mark and Sandra? I talked to Sandra and both kids last week Tuesday, after Mark and I got back from Vegas. Since then, no one answers the phone or emails or pm's... I'm beginning to thing I smell bad. :(
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  1. nah, you don't least not from 3000 miles away. Mark hasn't been feeling all that great off and on, and he hates painting which he's been doing. by the time he's got a minute to call it's too late.

  2. ya, know the feeling. Next time I won't let him do all you can eat prime rib 3 days ina row!

    Brian got to talk to shelby tonight, that was good, but now it's bedtime. the time difference sucks
