Sunday, October 18, 2009

Back from IOWA!

And my first favorite niece Cheryl in now a MISSUS!!!
Can you imagne such a thing, I mean "how'da thunk it?"

Since "I" am not getting old, how could "The Next Generation" be "mature" enough to marry?

It was a GREAT WEEKEND. Those of us who refuse to be old partied late Friday night, some were even doing shots of Jose Quervo. Jose went down smooth, too. I'll maybe have more on the weekend, perhaps with pics, later or some other time.

As usual, I'm busy as hell. How do "Professional Bloggers" with thousands of readers and sponsors and ads out the yingyang, people who are nowhere near as whitty or articulate as "yours truly" find the time?
I think they must be closet couch potatoes.

So, in a few minutes, I'ma gonna cruise my ole Camaro Convertible out to cop some pizza. (pic of Camaro here):

After dinner, I'll be in the "billiard room" putting up the first pair of smurf doors.

The webcam will be on, so if you want to see what a smurf door is, login at htto://
Username team p/w camaro
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