Friday, October 23, 2009

Canada is another country.

Someday soon, I'm gonna take some time and talk about the real premise of this blog, why I am taking the time to write it. But not tonight. It's late, I'm tired, and I forgot the good laptop at work, so I got no pictures and I hate the keyboard.

So a quick life update. I took the bus home, hoping to get her winterized and parked in the barn for the winter. No, not my barn, I rent part of it for storage.

I put 2 coats of poly on the second side of the smurf doors, so a lil sanding and one more coat on each side and they are done.

And for today's topic. Us ugly Americans really do need to remember that Canada is another country. A real country, not just that vacation resort up north of here. They have poeple there who call themselves Canadians (imagine that!) They're a lot like us. Even to the point that they love their country, just as we love ours.

So, when I ask my friends to pitch it all and join us and ours to carve out a new cooler life somplace else, doing what we always wanted to do rather than whatever livelyhood we happened to fall into, I REALLY need to be aware of exactly what I'm saying. This is not like running down to the local convenience store.
For some, Denver is not just a place, it's another country.
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1 comment:

  1. Mt wife says she doesn't get it, and wonders if I pissed someone off. No I don't think I pissed anyone off, the magicjack flaked out tho, so I can't be certain.

    Other coments welcome, let's hear from you!
