Thursday, January 10, 2013

Showing At The Studio Today

Everybody cross your fingers, cross your toes, face East and pray to Allah please! I've been trying to sell this place for over TWO YEARS at this point, and it has to go!! Showing this morning between 10:00 and noon, central time. Send good vibes!!

One other reason we NEED to go minimalist. I brought my son Brian (15 years old) to hang out at a friend's house the other day. They were just gonna play Magic Cards and video games. So I drop him off at this beautiful house on a couple of acres - really cool place. I go to pick him up and he says to the kid, "Next time you can come to my house - its bigger and we have more stuff!"


Oh God, I about died of embarrassment, chastised him right there on the spot and then had words all the way home. How embarrassing!!

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