Tuesday, February 9, 2010

and more exercise, and lotsa stuff

This morning I did good. 20 minutes on the machine followed by a solid 20 situps. I worked up a pretty good lather...lol. Morning scale said 199. I generally vary a lot from day to day, as well as morning to night, but 199  is good,  lowest I've seen if not by much.

I figured out a breakthrough with the new site software tonight. If it survives "Jan the volunteer programmer's" scrutiny, maybe we can get the new joomla CMS online, and get some SEO happening and generate some hits. (CMS=content management system, and SEO is search engine optimization) The cms will let us add some cool content, a better look, and generate some keywords and meta descriptions that will get us the attention of google and yahoo.

It snowed today. It might still be snowing. I needed to fix the chute on the snowblower, more snow was coming out the back than the front. Got that done too. Also hung up a new electric can opener in the kitchen. Rrock on, another busy day.

I don't remember if I  blogged about gatting dates set for our vacation this summer, I think I did. I found 3 campgrounds around Jackson, WY. All full hookups, similar amenties, varied pricing and location.
#1 is cheapest at $37 per night. Looks like a very nice place, but it's over the mountain in Idaho.
#2 is in central Jackson. Basically an rv resort in the back of a hotel parking lot. $70 bucks a night, but location location location.
#3 is culter bay, up north in Grand Teton national park. $55 a night, right up next to the mountains. no pool, but a lake with really  cold water. a nice place but I wouldn't stay there all week., maybe split with Idaho?

And finally, a lil bad news. Last week, I got dumped. Ya, really. The last few times I called, she was kinda brief with me, passing the phone off to someone else like it was a hot potato. One day last week, I asked her why she never wants to talk to me anymore...  and she tells me "well, I'm a middle schooler now." Yup, dumped.
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