For the first time I can remember, I've done nothing on a Saturday.
From 10AM to now, I've just done nothing.
Exhausted. I can just imagine how Mark and Sandra feel.
This started last week when Mark .L.W asked me to look at a car for him. The car checked out, and I borrowed a trailer and brought her home.
She's a 78 Camaro, backhalved, tube chassis and full cage, certified for 8.50, and including a dana 60 / four link setup and some monster hoosier slicks.

And Mark and Sandra started talking about a marathon drive from Vancouver Island, British Columbia to yorkville, IL to pick the beast up.
This being Canada's Thanksgiving weekend, they snatched a couple extra days off, hooked the trailer to the pickup, and hit the road.
Meanwhile, it was decided by my better half that since we were having guests, we had to have a guestroom.
So we got to work cleaning out Brians old room, painting it, p;utting down the hardwood flooring, wall paper border, and quick buying a bed, bedding, and curtains.
This all went pretty well, except for that small incident Thursday morning when I knida got my thumb too close to the table saw blade while ripping the last row of hardwood floor. Nasty business, but I'll survive.

So Thursday afternoon, Mark and Sandra clattered into my driveway.
It was kinda funny. I'm checking my watch after the last phone call, looking out the front window... Finally, I call him again, and ask :didja get lost or something, u should be here?" And he says "Look out the kitchen window, we're in your back driveway!"
So Thursday we hang around here, Mark washes both our trucks, while I stand around with my thumb bandaged and leaking all over. Carol fixed a lasagna for dinner, and we all get to catch up a bit. After all, it's been almost 3 months since our west coast vacation together.

Friday, we got the car and all the parts secured and loaded, and around 1:00 we took off to show our friends the great city of Chicago.
We had lunch at Portillo's, and then drove downtown on Archer Avenue. we drove around Midway Airport, and through Chinatown, finally heading north up Lakeshore Drive.
We did a brief stop out by the Adler Planetarium, great skyline views there, but the wind was blowing hard off the lake so we didn't stay long.
Next we parked by Illinois Center and walked into Millenium park to check out the bean.
After that it was off to That Great Street, State street, and into the store I still call Marshall Fields, in spite of all the new Macy's signs.
It was still raining pretty hard so we drove up to Water Tower Place and found some parking. We didn't get too much time there, but the rain did stop so we decided to hoof it to the resturant.
After fabulous Ruth's Chris steaks with all the trimmings, we went outside to find the weather had mellowed considerably. We walked back downtown to see Buckingham fountain put on the hourly showw. At the same time, we could see the fireworks at Navy Pier too.
That 2 mile walk back to the car helped get dinner processing properly, and we didn't stay up talking past midnight.

And finally, around 10 AM Saturday morning, our good friends saddled up and headed west for Canada.
Mark and Sandra, have a safe trip back. Thanks for coming to visit!
Due to popular demand, here is the thumb.
It's actually healing nicely, I left the bandage off most of the afternoon/evening, and it's getting crusty and not oozing anymore.
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