Sunday, November 8, 2009

Back at it with a smile

Gooood Mooorning!
Another beautiful day, shower and breakfast are handled, it's 9 am, and I am back at it.

First will sand, seal, and stain those peices of base shoe I cut yesterday.
Then need to finish pulling all the carpet staples off the stairs, and trim the toe of the steps back. I didn't talk of this yesterday, as I had Dann to work on it. I'm "reskinning" the formerly carpeted stairs in Oak. I HATE carpeting!

We still have to finish moving leaves, and mowing the lawn. Also hope to wash the vette, and pull the drivers inside door panel off and tighten a loose outside mirrir.

and other stuff, it's endless. But if I'm ever to get to Denver, I need to finish me casa.
No pics, but the webcam is on, so take your own. user team p/w camaro
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1 comment:

  1. 10:30... 72 feet of 2" base sanded, sealed, and stained.
    Time to go inside and attack that staircase.

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